2018 Late Assessment Letter

February 1, 2018






Dear First Name Last Name,

We are sending you this letter because it has come to our attention that your 2018 HOA Assessment has not yet been paid. It was due by February 1st. If you mailed your payment please ignore this communication, we are still processing assessments received after the cut-off for this letter.

Your Membership into the HOA is automatic and annual assessments are required of all lot owners. As it has been rumored that prior collection and enforcement of the annual assessment was not completely transparent, here is the remedies outlined in the HOA Bylaws:

A $25 late fee will be charged on all assessments not paid within 30 days of the due date.
Beginning March 1st, interest will begin accumulating on outstanding balances
On July 1st, lots with outstanding balances will be referred to the HOA attorney for the processing of liens. The lien amount will include the annual assessment, late fee, accumulated interest, court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees.

Because it is our desire to aid those who may need assistance paying their annual assessment, if you have or experiencing special circumstances that make it difficult for you to pay the assessment please reach out to me directly. We are here to serve you as a member of this community.

Attached is a revised invoice for assessment paid after March 1st and other relevant information for the Bylaws. Contact me directly should you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached by telephone at (513) 309-6395 or email at [email protected].


Reginald Morris

University Estates Home Association

Board of Directors, Treasurer