Fall 2018 HOA Annual Meeting Minutes

University Estates HOA Annual Meeting Minutes

November 12, 2018

  1. Roll Call and Certifying of the Proxies 
    1. Board Members Present: Kelly White, Mary Haines, Charity Wilhelm, Chris Kacir, Jason Reed and Reginald Morris
    2. Certification of Proxies: Shannon Schloss, Marilyn Hanson, Jean Reese, Sinan & Amber Gokkoya, Min Lun Wu, Stephen Shadik, Martie Rector, Joe Daniels, Randy & Marla Longenecker, Emily & Will Ryan, Tadashi & Reiko Shiozana
  1. Proof of Notice of the Meeting 
    1. Emails, Mailings and Door to Door all from Kelly White 30-day notice.
  1. Reports of Officers 
    1. President – Kelly White
    2. Vice President – Jason Reed
    3. Secretary – Mary Haines
    4. Treasurer – Reginald Morris
      1. Budget
        1. 2018 Report – 56 lot assessments received, 6 assessments prepaid for 2019
        2. No short-term liabilities for 2018
        3. Submit October budget vs. actual – Motion to accept by Jason Reed, seconded by Mary Haines
          1. Accepted unanimously
        4. Updated Financials for 2019
          1. New annual HOA fee $225.00
          2. Motion to accept by Kelly White, seconded by Justin Frantz
            1. Accepted unanimously
  1. Reports of Committees
    1. ARC – No action to report
    2. Social
  1. Election of Directors by all present owners and proxies received 
    1. Ballots were distributed and voting commenced – Certified by Kelly White and Reginald Morris

Kelly White – 39

Pete Couladis – 24

Reginald Morris – 29

Chris Kacir – 20

Charity Wilhelm – 34

Mary Haines – 37

Sheila Young – 36

Jeff Finlay – 28

Jason Reed – 25

  1. New Business
    1. Speed and Pedestrians on Blvd – Community Safety Project
      1. Raymond Frost – Discussion of pedestrian safety
        1. Bike lanes, speedbumps, speed/radar signs
      2. Grass overgrowth reported to the city
  1. Announcements
    1. Open the floor to other owners
  1. Adjournment 

**Next Meeting is planned for Monday, December 10 at 6:00 pm.