Minutes from Board Meeting September 2018

UEHOA Board Meeting – September 12, 2018 

Members Present: Kelly White, Reginald Morris, Pete Couladis, Chris Kacir (all other board members approved via email)

  1. Decided on an Annual Meeting Date – Monday, November 12that 7pm
  2. All homeowners will be notified of the annual meeting date no later than October 10thby the following ways
    1. Announced on website
    2. Announced via Facebook
    3. Letter sent via email and mail to those whom we have no email address for
  3. Make sure addresses, phone numbers and emails are all up to date on our neighborhood directory especially those who just moved
    1. Morgans
    2. Gokayas
    3. Zangs
  4. Discussed who’s interested in staying on board or leaving
    1. Chris and Jason have the most difficulty attending meetings just because of the nature of their jobs
    2. We will ask for neighbors who have interest in serving on the board
    3. We will also add 3 blank lines for others to vote
  5. Went over treasurers report
    1. We are short this year which means dues will need to go up for the following year
    2. Reginald will put together 2 budget options for all home owners to vote on, but maintaining current dues will not be an option
    3. We will bump up community events
    4. Start to put away if any overage for following year