UEHOA Board Meeting – June 29, 2018
Members Present: Kelly White, Pete Couladis, Mary Haines, Charity Wilhelm,
1. Landscaping:
a. Grass Landscaping of 1st Choice Homes
i. There has been more than one complaint about unfinished landscaping
ii. Kelly will email Wade to make him aware
b. Overgrowth along the roadway/Main Boulevard and Broadmoreneeds mowed – There is a city application to use to report the overgrown weeds and grass
c. LCR lot at the top of the Boulevard needs to be mowed
2. Zaki Update
a. Waived 2016 fees
b. Currently up to date with all fees and interest
c. Lien has been taken off of the lot
3. Larry’s Ice Cream Truck Social
a. $100 minimum
b. All in favor in attendance at the meeting – Emailing the rest of the board to gain an official approval pending financial standing
4. HOA Financial Information Update
a. Review of paid and unpaid fees
b. Current financial balance