2018 Assessment Letter

December 15, 2017







Well 2018 is closely upon us and we the University Estates Homeowners Association appreciate your support in 2017.

As we look towards 2018, there are few changes your membership in the Homeowners Association will bring to the community to benefit you and your family. In 2018, your paid assessments will:

  • Provide for welcome gifts to the new families who move into the community
  • Create a resident directory to allow us to form bonds
  • Create a Facebook page where we can upload our families’ fondest memories, celebrations, events and share them with your neighbors
  • Create neighborhood events giving us a change to mingle with our friends and neighbors
  • Take over and enhance the maintenance of entrance into the UE Community
  • Continue to protect the value of your home investment by ensuring that new additions or changes are in keeping with the deed restrictions and standards of this community
  • Allow us to begin planning with the owners of the doctor’s complex, commercial buildings, apartments and condo communities to jointly tackle the upkeep of the community and/or improvements that will make living here safer and even a better place to live.

Your HOA Board is working to transition to provide more recreation, health, safety and welfare benefits to the owners as part of your membership in the HOA. Take a moment and visit the HOA website UEhoa.org to learn about upcoming events, announcements, minutes from past Board minutes, information for builders/real estate agents/new residents and other documents such as the legal analysis for the validity of the HOA.

Your Membership into the HOA begins when you become owners of a lot in the University Estates Community as set forth in the Declaration document:

Membership.The Owner of each Lot shall be a member of the Association and no one who is not an Owner of an interest in a Lot shall be a member of the Association. Each Owner accepts membership in the Association and agrees to be bound by this Declaration, the Articles and Bylaws of the Association and any rules and regulations enacted pursuant thereto. Membership in the Association is automatic upon acquisition of ownership of a Lot, and may not be transferred separate and apart from a transfer of ownership of the Lot. Membership automatically terminates upon the sale or transfer of an Owner’s interest in a Lot, whether voluntary or involuntary.

At the annual meeting held on November 30th, the new 2018 budget was approved and the homeowner’s assessment for the coming year is set at $125.00 per lot. Attached you will find your 2018 HOA statement. The 2018 budget was sent to all owners prior to the annual meeting. The assessment for all lot owners is due February 1, 2018.

A $25 late fee will be charged on all assessments not paid within 30 days of the due date. Owners can choose to pay their annual assessments in semi-annual or annual installments. Those wishing to pay semi-annually must pay $62.50 by the due date and the remainder by July 1, 2018. No additional statement or invoice will be sent. Owners choosing to pay semi-annually take full responsibility for submitting their payment by each of the subsequent due dates. Please be aware that additional interest and penalties could be applied to unpaid balances after the grace period.

Please careful review your statements and contact me directly should you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached by telephone at (513) 309-6395 or email at [email protected].


Reginald Morris

University Estates Home Association

Board of Directors, Treasurer