Proposed Budget 2018

UEHOA Proposed Budget 2018
Sources of Income
Total Dues$13,375.00 
Allowance for Bad Debt$(1,337.50)
Total Income$12,037.50 
Office Expenses & Mailings$300.00
Corporation Taxes – Fed and State$1,000.00
Accounting Service$1,200.00
Directors & Officers Insurance$850.00
Landscaping Service$4,100.00
New Residents Gift$250.00
Community Events$250.00
Total Expenses$11,950.00 
Net Income$87.50 
2018 Projected Cash Flows – UEHOA
Cash @12/31/17688.63[A]
Cash Provided by Operating Activities
Net Dues Collected$12,037.50
Total Net Cash Provided$12,037.50 [B]
Uses of Cash
Net Change Accounts Payable$-
Net Change Loans from Homeowners$-
Operating Expenses$11,950.00
Total Uses of Cash$11,950.00 [C]
Projected Cash Balance @12/31/18$776.13 [A]+[B]-[C]