Board Meeting Minutes – July 15, 2019


July 2019 Board Meeting

July 15, 2019

Attendance: Mary Haines, Jeff Finlay, Charity Wilhelm, Sheila Young, Austin Phillips

  1. Committee Updates
    1. Architectural Review Committee
      1. Grueser home on UE Blvd. – Everything looks good, Need a back elevation
    2. Beautification Committee
      1. Gazebo – Checking on water access to clean and power 
      2. Trash Pick Up – August 17th at 9 am
    3. Safety Committee
      1. Print speeding letters to deliver to all neighbors
  1. New Homeowner’s Gifts
    1. Charity – Update
      1. Gibbs – Done
      2. Wharton’s house sold – Christopher & Jena Tenoglia
      3. Dr. Sammons – Charity to deliver gift
      4. 2 Houses at end of Walnut Ct – Mary and Sheila to deliver gifts
    2. Houses under contract/recently sold – None
  1. Summer Social or Block Party
    1. Date – August 17th at 4 pm
    2. Location – Walnut Ct.  
    3. Potluck style. 
    4. HOA contribution – Will provide hot dogs and buns
    5. Create Flier and post on FB page
  1. Bike Path Access Update
    1. Frost – Email
  1. Triplex Building off of Broadmore Ct. 
    1. Discussion with Bret Howard (Cornerstone)
    2. Speeding concerns on the main Blvd. 
      1. Austin – discussion with mayor
  1. HOA Financial Information Update
    1. Review of paid and unpaid fees
    2. Collection letters – Asking Susan to create
    3. Current financial balance
    4. Entrance landscape billing – Update
      1. The Villas, Reed’s Office, Echoing Meadows, The Falls – Susan has list of contact information