April 29, 2019 Board Meeting Minutes

April 2019 Board Meeting

Mary Haines, Austin Phillips, Jeff Finlay, Charity Wilhelm, Julie Torski, Sheila Young in attendance, Reginald Morris on conference call.

  1. Board Members:
    a. Roles
    i. Secretary – Julie Torski
    ii. VP – Austin Phillips
    iii. Reginald Morris – Assign new seat?
  2. Send email to the community to ask

b. Review duties within each role
i. Attorney – Joe with Ball – Jeff, Austin, and Mary go to Attorney’s office
ii. VP – Fill in when President or other members are not available
iii. Secretary – Notes during meetings
iv. Charity – Picking up meeting keys and responsible for new home owner gifts
v. Sheila – Social and Hospitality Director

  1. Committee Review:
    a. List all of our committees
    i. Architectural Review Committee
  2. Charity, Sheila, Mary
  3. Austin Phillips – Alternate
    ii. Safety Committee
  4. Raymond Frost and Jeff discussing
    a. Speed – Lines painted – contact city
    b. Flier regarding speed – hand out to neighbors

iii. Beautification Committee

  1. Austin Phillips will lead
  2. Clean up day – June 9 th – 9am
    a. Create flier and put on social media
    i. Make a save the date
    b. Gazebo – Ask city if we can power wash it
    i. Contact city engineers office
    c. Flag Polls:
    i. Do we have flags – If not, need to purchase
  3. American
  4. Ohio Bobcats
    ii. Who can take flags up and down – Light for the
    American Flag?
    iii. Michael Stevens will take care of the flags
    iv. Is there a light by the poles?
    v. City land – Can we put flags up? Jeff is contacting the city
  5. New Homeowner’s Gifts:
    a. Charity – Update
    i. All are handed out (Robey’s and Tony on Walnut)

ii. Tom Gibb’s new house – Still need to give
b. Houses under contract/recently sold

  1. Spring/Summer Social or Block Party:
    a. Date July 6 at 4 pm
    b. Location – Walnut Ct.
    c. Potluck style – Yes, need tables, etc.
    d. HOA contribution – Provide hot dogs, buns.
    e. Create Flier – Yes, RSVP – BYOB
  2. HOA Financial Information Update:
    a. Review of paid and unpaid fees
    b. Current financial balance: $12,239.31
    c. Entrance landscape billing
    i. The Villas, Reed’s Office, Echoing Meadows, The Falls
  3. Echoing Meadows has paid
  4. Need to invoice the other 3
    a. Mary draft a letter for 2018 and 2019 invoicing
    b. Draft a letter for 2019
    i. 4 Installments of $1,000 to Green Leaf Landscape