Board Meeting Minutes – September 3, 2019


September 2019 Board Meeting

September 3, 2019 

5:00 pm

The Falls, University Estates

  1. Committee Updates
  2. Architectural Review Committee 
    1. 2 1st Choice Homes – current plans meet all requirements
  3. Beautification Committee
    1. Flag Poles – have been reinforced with concrete, work in process. Will finish in next few weeks. 
    2. Next Trash Pick Up – suggestion for additional beautification projects, possibly seasonal banners for light posts. Julie and Austin to research banners, possibly ask the city.  
  4. Safety Committee – speed limit signs not working properly, Mayor Patterson previously notified by Austin. Charity to revise safety letter to be distributed to neighbors. Austin to talk to Pete about status of bike path work. 
  1. New Homeowner’s Gifts
  2. Houses under contract/recently sold – No new that we are aware of currently. 
  1. Annual Meeting Discussion – move up date to accommodate Mayor, need to notify 30 days prior 
  1. Board Member Positions – Sheila to step down. Mary to step down to as president but to remain on the board.   
  2. Proxy Votes- will go out with 30 day notice of annual meeting 
  3. Announcement/Invitations to Meeting – Sun Oct 27 6pm. Written notice to be sent ASAP. 
  4. Mayor Patterson  – Austin to invite to annual meeting 
  1. HOA Financial Information 
    1. Review of paid and unpaid fees – list of unpaid balances provided to  board 
    2. Collection letters – last invoices to be sent this month. $45 late fee (20%) to be assessed if not paid by Nov 1. List of unpaid fees to be given to lawyer to initiate liens for any outstanding fees after Nov 1.  
    3. Current financial balance – $14299.81 checking balance
    4. Entrance landscape billing 

Other discussions:  

– Discussion of possibly revisiting bi-laws, role of HOA in future.

– Halloween – possibly extending trick or treat time, block party, costume parade? 

– question about renters, relationship with HOA, agreement with homeowners?