University Estates HOA Board Meeting Minutes December 10, 2018
Present: Kelly White, Mary Haines, Charity Wilhelm, Sheila Young, Jeff Finlay
Jason Reed and Reginald Morris on conference call.
- Election of Directors Positions
- President – Kelly White
- Vice President – Reginald Morris
- Secretary – Mary Haines
- Treasurer – Jeff Finlay
–Need to define the role of the VP going forward.
- Election for Architectural Review Committee
- Select 3 regulars and 1 alternate
- Kelly White, Charity Wilhelm, Sheila Young as regulars
- Mary Haines as alternate
- Jay Wilhelm as the outside contractor
- Select 3 regulars and 1 alternate
- Treasurer/Reginald to write up invoice and letter with assessment and due date for all lot owners
- Reginald and Jeff to create the letter
- To be mailed by the end of the month/post marked January 1
- Greenleaf Landscaping:
- Treasurer to send invoicesto the Villas, Reed’s office, The Falls, Echoing Meadows
- Send invoices from the previous year to those listed above
- Kelly to talk to Pete Calaudis regarding gaining contact information with the above
- Treasurer to send invoicesto the Villas, Reed’s office, The Falls, Echoing Meadows
- Signing of new contract for 2019 for the board insurance
- Bring new board members up to speed on the home owners/lot owners who have not paid dues and answer any questions the board may have
- 2 Home Owners have not paid dues for 2018 and 1 Builder (Builder owns 16 lots)
- Request from Ken Johnson regarding exemption from liability
- After thorough discussion after contacting attorney, Board has rejected request and information is being turned over to attorney
- Liabilities are being discussed with insurance company
- Current Board Members present are unaware of any pending litigation at this time.
- January 2019 board meeting is scheduled for: Monday, January 14th, 2019 at 6pm