University Estates HOA Board Meeting Minutes January 14, 2019
Present: Kelly White, Charity Wilhelm, Sheila Young, Jeff Finlay
Reginald on conference call
Pete Couladis stopped by gave AEP account info to us and his personal check for dues. He mentioned a few items
- Check on zoning for across from the McDonald’s double check its zoned for commercial vs residential?
- Noticed work on electrical wiring is that mean a light at end of blvd??
- what’s going across 682 office buildings?
- Website – we need to rebuild (Jeff will take over with any recruiting help)
- Still on Joe Lalley’s hosting site – Jeff has made progress with the transition but its about 90% ready to go
- Homeowner who may have multiple lots and one of their lots not being buildable then
- If 2ndor 3rdlot is not buildable – that specific lot should have no voting privilege unless stated in a prior home owners addendum
- Follow-up with a letter to specific homeowner should they have a lot not buildable for which they are not paying
- Define our policy clearly to specific homeowners and post to our website for all owners to read the policy
- Opportunity for advertising our neighboring homes/lots for sale (Charity will take on this project)
- Online?
- Front neighborhood entrance – been in touch with code office pending response back
- Getting in with the university and their hiring department?
- Discuss social events and or committee and neighborhood moral
- A couple board members and get some homeowners?
- Sheila Young will take on this task with recruiting 1 or 2 homeowners!
- Discuss Community Safety Project and building a committee
- 1 board member with other homeowners in it
- Kelly White will tackle this on and recruit Raymond Frost to help along with possibly another neighbor
- Who wants to take on Contacting City on regular basis especially in spring/summer
- Snow plow
- Weeds and grass overgrowth along the Blvd
- Regarding lining the Blvd. with white and yellow lines
- Do not enter or wrong way signs on Blvd. from apartments
- Mary Hainescould you be willing to help with this??
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Previous Balance – $1779.83
- Checks and Fees – $1139.54
- Deposits – $4086.99
- Current Balance – $4727.28
- Next Meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 4that 6pm in the Falls clubhouse