UEHOA Board Meeting 1-23-17

UEHOA Board Meeting 1-23-17

Members Present:

John Wharton

Chris Kacir

Joe Lalley

Jeff Peterson

Rob Peterson

Members absent:

Lynn Last

Pete Couladis

Item 1: Finances/Treasurer’s Report

  • 102 lots –
  • Current balance is about $1000. We have about $1000 in legal fees. All but about $200 to be paid.
  • Budget – Likely a bigger receivable now that bank doesn’t own 21 lots.
    • We don’t need an accountant, can use TurboTax
    • Budget was moved by Joe, seconded by John, passed unanimously

Item 2: Liability Insurance

  • John is exploring coverage. Has received one quote ($800 for 1 million in coverage with a $5000 deductible).
  • Budget to be amended to include insurance coverage.

Meeting adjourned.